Tuesday, 15 March 2011

1.THE CALLING, more than six calling / PANGGILAN, ada lebih dari enam by YW

There are more than six calling in this life.

Ada lebih dari enam panggilan dalam hidup ini

God called Abraham to be a commander, a fighter, a WARRIOR he fought wars.
He was also a KING, the kings around him called him KING.
He prayed for Sodom and Gomorrah.Intercede that God does not punished them. So he was an Interceder a PRIEST.

TUHAN memanggil Abraham menjadi panglima perang, petarung, seorang PAHLAWAN yang melakukan peperangan
Ia juga seorng RAJA, raja-raja sekitarnya meanggil dia RAJA.
Ia berdoa bagi Sodom dan Gomora. Berdoa syafaat agar TUHAN tidak menghukum mereka. 
Jadi ia adalah pendoa syafat, seorang Imam perantara.

As God's church we are called His Wife, His BRIDE.
Sebagai gereja/ jemaat TUHAN, kita dipanggil menjadi IsteriNya, MEMPELAI WANITANya

Paul told Timothy that God called us to be a SOLDIER, a SPORTMAN/ competitor (And if a man also strive for masteries, [yet] is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully) and a WORKER/ LANDMAN / FARMER.(2Tim2:3-6)
All three calling has:
2.Hard work, not lazy
3.Has a GOAL: battle till the end to WIN BATTLES, reach the FINISH LINE, reap the HARVEST

Paulus katakan kepada Timotius bahwa TUHAN memanggil kita sebagai PASUKAN, OLAHRAGAWAN/ kompetitor (dan bila seseorang tidak bekerja keras agar mahir, maka ia tidak akan mendapat mahkota, selain ia bertanding/ berjuang secara legal) dan PEKERJA/ PELADANG/ PETANI (2Timothy 2:3-6)
Ketiga panggilan ini memiliki:
2.Kerja keras; bukan pemalas
3. Tujuan / GOL; bertempur sampai akhir untuk memenangkan pertempuran-pertempuran, mencapai GARIS AKHIR, menuai TUAIAN

2Timothy 2:2  And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also (KJV).

And what things you heard from me through many witnesses, commit these things to faithful men, such as will be competent also to teach others.  

In other words to "commit" something to others it means we have to give it, teach it to others. So another calling is to TEACH others. Like parents teaching their children. With love and care to prepare,equipped them to face life in reality. Be an example to them.Give them guidance.


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